vodka, dry vermute, olives. Tuxedo is mandatory

SuguiDigest. SE01EP007 — Shaken, not stirred.

Rafa Suguihara


Hello! Guess who´s back for its seventh edition? Thank you for your time and feedbacks. Hope you all are safe and sound amidst this crazyness. How I miss have some cocktails in three different bars at the same night.

I invite you to listen Johnny Cash — Man in Black: Live in Denmark 1971 and have a sip of whatever you want while you enjoy this digest edition.

Book of the week
The Ride of a Lifetime — Bob Iger.
I´m reading this right now. Some weeks ago, I recommended the great Criativity.Inc that tells some part of the same history from different angle. Anyway, 15 years leading Disney is a history that must be heard (read).

*Wanna achieve the fresh new Terraform Cert? Ned give some overview and hints to pass on his page. Good luck!

*Have 2MM dollars remaining without use in your wallet? You can buy this 1981 Cobra Helicopter. Have some rocket launchers, machine guns and a lot of fun. Why do I got this sponsored in my twitter? I don´t have any idea.

Source: Aviators Market

*Samsung has released its S20 military version. Has some cool features such as furtive-mode but what I found interesting was the Dual Dar Encryption for its data.

*Confused about when to use AWS Kinesis and AWS MSK?

*We´ve been talking about Mainframe Modernization for a few weeks and I´d like to drop this blog post talking about automated refactory, from Cobol to Java hosted in Lambda functions. What a piece of engineering.

*AWS announced a significative (90%) price reduction for AWS IoT device management jobs. Talking about IoT, one of uses of AWS DeepLens and AWS Sagemaker, is the control of access of Prey, the cat.


*On the 60´s we had the race to the moon in evidence. Maybe the race to the find and communicate with ETs are the new deal.

*Shame of the week goes to Natura that leaked more than 200k registers in two not properly secured AWS servers. The total data is around 1.5TB (!!!) and included sensitive data of these customers. The company later in a public note said that was just test data.

*For the good and for the bad, cloud is an enabler for your activities. In 20 hours, 14 million passwords has been cracked with a total cost of US$18,00.

*This week SpaceX will send two astronauts into your Dragon to ISS from Cape Canaveral aka Kennedy Space Center. This article has a full profile of the astronauts and long time friends Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken. Why this is important? Last time astronauts has been sent from Florida was 10 years ago. This is the first time of a commercial spacecraft will docking to International Space Station and c´mon, it´s space! If you think it the mission is easy, try this simulator (must confess, I spend some time on this).

A quick introduction to VPC endpoints. Secure your stuff people.

Talking on that, AWS has released a new free digital course about Security, Identity and Compliance on their digital platform.

*Breakout Session — Microsoft Build 2020
This week was dropped Microsoft Build 2020. In this virtual edition, 648 sessions was presented and you can find all releases and discussions here. I can´t mention a Microsoft conference without talk about Satya Nadella keynote. Best keynote speaker after Steve Jobs.

*On virtual conferences tail, Black Hat and Defcon will be on digital format this year.

*Imagine that you have a contact center. Now think how you can use all of recorded calls (obligatory by compliance). If I said that you can use it to create new business models, improve quality of your products and understand how happy are your customers? This is possible using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and some AWS APIs. Check this article to know more.

Managing Secrets with Vault and Consul;
Ransomware Maze;
A Complete Guide On Serverless Data Lake Using AWS Glue, Athena and QuickSight;
Can an artificial intelligence learn to beat the stock market?;
How a Chinese AI Giant Made Chatting — and Surveillance — Easy;
Anatomy of an internet shutdown.

In times like these, only positivity will take us out of that. BE FIERCE!

have fun!

Thank you all for our time and if you believe this digest can be useful for any reason, share it! I´ll be glad!

Hope to see you next week!

