Sugui Digest. SE01EP20 — anger

Rafa Suguihara
5 min readAug 23, 2020

Hello everyone. Thank you to come with me at the 20th edition. Hope you´re great and most important: safe. This week we talk about cloud, security, space, career, data and coffee.

Anger is a feeling that is present (almost) every single day of my life. Since I was a kid struggling on my PE classes till my daily routine. Stupid questions, lies, endless pointless conversations, incompetence, nonsense, centralization, political views, news, covid, they´re all gasoline to my anger engine. It costs me more in the past, such like work positions (“how can you say if it does even have logs?”) to good old friends (“if you wanna be stupid to pick a side, pick hers and go f*ck yourself”). The important lessons here is what´s the balance of all that? You could be anger (I´d say that you deserve have anger) but you must understand that you always lose when you express your anger. Your limbic system needs only 6 seconds to you take the control again. So get mad (anger is a hell of a fuel, believe me) but count to 10, and then and go on.

Have a great week. If you support this digest, please share it and feel free to leave a comment.

This week, Deafheaven is the soundtrack with the album Sunbather. Highlight to opening track DreamHouse.

Comedy Show of the Week: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Jerry Seinfeld bonds cars, coffee and comedians telling more what they think and some great stories. Last week I let the Bill Burr stand-up special and this week I reccommend the “Late Night Espresso” season and the episode “Bill Burr Smoking past the band”. In addition to everything I mentioned, this episode brings cigars and acidic comments. My mood this week.

some Zacapa sips, a good cigar and trash talk is what I need.

Git of the week : tfsec

Git of the week (extra): Hedy

*Manage passwords is such a piece of work. I have some complex passwords but I must confess I´ve been letting Chrome manage some of them. For that, check this wired list of best password manager and do not forget to enable your MFA app-based (not SMS!).

*Starlink, SpaceX project to provide internet from satellites has its firsts tests. Considering the tech and how it work, it presented great results.

*I strongly recommend the Strategic Seventeen: NIST Cyber Security Framework from Logan Daley. Not just for security pros but for everyone who is involved to production systems.

*While we wait the Top Gun: Maverick debut, check this AlphaDogFight powered by AI (!)

*You should always check this 12 steps to assure your developers aren´t screwing your project.

*My driver license is suspended till the end of november due to 106 points (max 20) of my “adventures”. Most of them, for weekly rotation plate infractions and some for speed. Long story to admit my guiltyness. But a security researcher got a big problem doing some joke. He registered the plate “NULL” and now have more than 12 thousand dollars in tickets.

*When I was 18, I promised to myself that when I was 40 (my boss age at that time) I just wanted to be different from him, in many aspects. The way he faced the work, people, money and experience. Getting 40 soon, I´m sure that I´m whole different from him and way more happy. This is curious, to set a goal and work for that, and in more than 20 years, how things change. For that, this week Harvard Business Review dropped an article on How to Reimagine the Second Half of your career.

*Blue Origin has delivered to Nasa a Moon Lander prototype. If it works, I´d pay to send some people in this debut (even if it have some problems).

*I said repeatedly that AWS Kinesis might be my fav service of AWS. And we already discussed the SQS vs Kinesis, but never before Kinesis vs Kafka. In this detailed article with the benchmark we see Kafka wins in proposed scenarios, but the magic of cloud managed services comes with just a question: What the effort to put up running a high available kafka cluster, training people, manage connections, maintain it running 24x7? In Kinesis, I just setup an endpoint to development team and let them work.

*MultiCloud Agnosticity is bullshit. So, Should You Really Be so Worried about Cloud Lock-in?

*Great time of our weeks we´ve been connected to endless meetings, pointless presentations, an hour-long useless talks. Check this guy, who recorded himself to his meetings for a week.

*Rishab Kumar bring you notes to get certified in AWS. A great material to have base to entry-level and Associate certifications. Choose a cert, read the material, study, get certified, don´t bother me.

*True solutions architects must detain a set of skills and one of the more important is to understand the K8s x Serverless paradox. Both are great, but why use K8s instead serverless?

*An article regarding security on Wordpress. If you don´t want to read the whole article, you can have my top greatest security hint about it: do not use Wordpress.

*Upcoming next month, Microsoft Ignite, with their two-day virtual technical days. Let´s see what´s coming next (and may copies of some stuff).

*List of new AWS Hero is live. I suggest to follow them on social media, always good stuff.

*One of the things I´d like the most of my old job was after lunch take a cold brew in a Starbucks nearby. But after pandemics, things on the stores may be different negatively.

*Recently with some incitement I started to brew my coffee in other level, since the choose of grains, grinding, different ways to prepare and then, to drink it up. But Ratio took it too serious and bring the Ratio Eight Coffee Maker, evaluated by Wired.

500USD for a coffee brewer? why not?

Cloud Adoption in 2020
What is Data Science?
Business Data Science
The 3D-Printed Gun Isn’t Coming. It’s Already Here.
Zero to Jupyter with Docker on Amazon Web Services
From Analog to Digital and Back
Monumental Failure

Keep strong, be patient, count on me. The bear won´t win.

