Sugui Digest. SE01EP17 — idleness

Rafa Suguihara
4 min readAug 1, 2020


Hello everyone! Hope you´re all good. Time to time, we must take a break for ourselves. Read a book, listen new music, or doing nothing. I have some weekly tasks and particulary, past week was too heavy. But that ended and now, I´m chilling at home.Hope you enjoy this edition and found some time to your family!

To get along with your reading, my suggestion is Jorge Ben — Solta o Pavão (1975). Highlight to “Se Segura Malandro”.

Git of the week: Awesome GPT-3. And how it works.

Shame of the week goes to: Garmin and a Russian ransomware that affected flight plans, exercising track and GPS. For my luck, I didn´t exercise these days (neither the others). Garmin was asked to pay 10million dollars to

*GCP Next 2020 this week talked about Infrastructure and I´d recommend the tracks: Cloud Solutions Architecture, Optimizing Your Costs on Compute Engine, Monitoring as Code and Explore High Performance Computing on Google Cloud.

*Not so usual, but do you know hot to outrun a dinosaur?

*I´m a Single Board Computer enthusiast. Have 3 Rasbperry pi for different projects (one of them to Business Continuity Plan, but it´s talk to another post) and there´s a new challenger, the Rock Pi 4C. The difference its this board is the first x86 computer, so you can run Linux and Windows out of the box!

aliexpress, here we go again

*In the previous link has a great library of what you can do with raspi, but check it out this benchmark.

*SpaceX mission will return Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley to Earth starting today 7:34PM EDT and will arrive tomorrow at 2:42PM. Keep in touch in the NASA live channel:

*Last thursday, NASA launched the new Mars rover, named Perseverance into a six-month travel to the red planet. The rover is plutonium-powered and has pretty cool features. The pic below is regarding the 23 cameras. All specs can be found on the official NASA Perseverance Rover page. (spent more than an hour exploring each part of the rover)

source: NASA

*Virgin Galactic has released its tourist spacecraft. Will support six passengers, flight at 50.000ft and at this altitude, will be possible to see Earth´s curvature (suck that flat-earthers).


*Kubelet, kube-proxy, kube-scheduler, etcd… Everything are orbiting around Kubernetes, or K8s for close friends. But, do you know what are the options of hosting? After you decided where your pods will work, check out this list of hacks used to your K8s daily use.

*Regularly I´ve been working on technical interviews and I normally ask about their past experiences and spice things ask about different architectures, logs, security, etc. This guide is a resource to get ready for a devops interview. (and please, don´t reference azure devops).

*Pandemics stress me out in different ways, I can´t visit my family, can´t go to my favourite restaurants, can´t see my friends and now, I can´t go to my early Vegas checkpoint:

Re:Invent this year will be delivered totally online distributed through three weeks and free for everyone. No Bellagio´s breakfasts, no Bally´s roullette, No Verbenas at Cosmo, no sushis at Nobu, no Planet13, no rush between sessions, no tech celebs, no swag. But we can attend more sessions and save some blisters on the feet. Check this guide on how to reinvent. And don´t forget to subscribe. See you on Vegas (virtually).

vegas last trip.

*Want to use AWS but know nothing how to manage networks? Try this introductory guide about VPCs.

*Instant payments are reality in many countries and in 2020 will land in Brazil with PIX. AWS in this blog post show how can help using their products and leverage the cloud for regulatory demand.

here we go again

*On the above diagram we see a mTLS transaction between BACEN and AWS. But do you know what product is used to make that possible without a HAProxy or a Nginx? This blog post explains what and why use ALB, NLB and CLB. Don´t miss it.

*What about to protect your S3 buckets with the power of Guard Duty? This blog post show you how in details.

AWS compiled all security documentation in on single hub. Delightful!

Why monitoring your big data analytics pipeline is important (and how to get there)
Everything you need to know from the tech antitrust hearing
Temporal Graph Networks
How I used Lambda and EFS for massively parallel processing?
The messy, secretive reality behind OpenAI’s bid to save the world
The State of the Ethereum Network: 5 Years Running

I can end the conversation real quick!

