it´s all about trust.

Sugui Digest. SE01EP16 — Partnership

Rafa Suguihara


Nobody succeeds alone. There´s a need of support, critics, or even listening. I like to split partnership in two: commercial ones and for life. Commercial partnerships could evolve to your personal cycle, what is more common and more successful in my shallow experience. The life partnerships are hardest but you choose to be on them. I´m grateful to have both kinds and certainly it makes me a better person. The picture that illustrates this post, is from Riggs and Murtaugh, played by Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. It´s one of my favourite movie series, used to watch with my dad. When Lethal Weapon 4 arrive on DVD (long time ago), we made a marathon, watching the old VHS (long, long time ago) and the last movie as grand finale. Good times! Hope you keep safe at home if you could and sane, after all, 4 months home is quite a hard work. Have a good read!

*To please your ears this week, a great partnership album: 20 Grandes Sucessos de Toquinho & Vinicius. Highlight to “Onde Anda Você”.

Book of the week: Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products. The partnership of Steve Jobs and Jony Ive had more than 30 years and certainly made a change of course of Apple. Without Jobs ideas, Wozniak engineering and Ive design, what we live today could be very different. This book tells the history since the day Jobs in his Apple comeback broke into design department and found a bunch of sketches and prototypes and a guy in his early 30´s. Tells the story that Jobs asked him “why don´t you leave” and the short answer was: “I stay here for what you represent, that any kind of computer must be an extension of who is using.” And the what´s left is history (iMacs, iPods, Macs, iPhone, etc).

Git of the week: Awesome MLOps

Shame of the week goes to: Garmin who had an outage this week, stopping the functioning of Garmin Connect (fitness tracker) and more severe: flyGarmin due to a ransomware attack. More details here and here.

*Mainframes are a Pandora Box. Lost programs, Hello worlds in different languages, different models of data, massive transactions, everything inside (usually) in a big black noisy box. How to modernize to make better use of that? How to extend the power of mainframes using strategies to create new business channels? For that, there´s a lot of approaches and certainly it will be main topic to business leaders for years to come. AWS released a blog post that details 12 Attributes for Mainframe Workloads. It has specific and important details regarding how to enable, coexist and gain agility with this ecosystem. Bonus: a 40 mins tech talk on how to Refactor Your Mainframe Workloads to AWS:


*Repeat success models it´s not so easy. How to create a new Uber, Airbnb or so? It´s unpredictable. But the culture, principles and values can be repeatable. If I could reccommend: be true, work hard, repeat. Hard work beats talent if you have a clear objective. In any other cases, give a try to Amazon Leadership Principles, Netflix Culture, Google Ten Things We Now to Be True, Microsoft Values and Culture. A mix of all that can be helpful to create your own strategy.

*I love food. Restaurants, bars, pubs, food trucks, bodegas. There´s a show on Netflix, called Street Food. The first season was on Asia and all episodes are great but I strongly reccomend watch the second episode, Toyo Izakaya. This week Netflix released the second season in Latin America and there´s an episode in Brazil telling the story about Dona Suzana “Rê Restaurante”. Thrilling.

*A vigilante is sabotaging the Emotet botnet by replacing malware payloads with GIFs. (at least funny).

*MS Teams will launch some new features soon. What means I´ll need a memory upgrade for my computer.

*Microsoft revealed games for the new Xbox Series X (lazy name) this week. Forza and Crossfirex, I´d give a try. To check all of them, The Verge made a complete list of all of them with trailers.

*We use SDCards for a lot of purposes like GoPro storage of your nonsense footages, in Nintendo Switch for games you´ll never play, Raspberry Pi different images catalog and so on. But what does SD cards are made? Rip It Apart site made a detailed analysis of what cards have in their guts.

*Microsoft Inspire was dropped this last week. It was a 3-day event and 146 sessions. Must confess I had no time this week to watch, but I´ll pinch and release for the upcoming weeks.

*M365 (former Office365) has announced public preview of Double Key Encryption, tool that the customer has a part of the key and Microsoft the other part to control sensitive information.

Double Key Encryption in a nutshell

*Google Next 2020 had the second week, talking about productivity, around Gsuite. Boring. But we have a great catch up of the first week structured on this blog post. Enjoy!

*Google Cloud Filestore is on air and this blog post compares with AWS EFS and Azure Files.

*Hashicorp Vault, Consul and Nomad now are available in deb and RPM packages!

*I´ve been on my office at home for 12, 14 hours daily. I had the opportunity to buy a nice chair, but this journey daily has broke my back. For that, a pause each 2 hours to stretch is needed. This guide is made for workouts but it can be applied to your daily basis stretches.

*Whenever we face a problem or get into a discussion, we always have to remember that we need keep control of our emotions. There´s a lot of ways to do it but the master of all is: breathe. This NYT article talks how breathe can increase your healthy with different exercises.

* A great introductory guide to Open API documentation. Nuff said.

*I miss after lunch, go with my coworkers to have a sip in good coffee. I´m almost tired of my espresso capsule machine and start to brew some good quality coffee. The options are many, but with this introductory guide you can make better coffee to survive your meetings.

*Deepfakes are a tool for entertainment but also for fake news and all bad stuff. MIT create a sample of how deepfake could trick your mind. They created a movie, called “In Event of Moon Disaster” where Apollo 11 mission had a tragic turn. The movie took six months to be completed and the result is impressive.

*You Can Buy a Random Facial Recognition Photo on China’s Black Market for Just $.07. This is a reason why you need a fraud system based on liveness to authenticate yourself. These technologies might be defeated with 3D models created with your public images as shown in this demonstration (looks like something that Danny Ocean and his team could do or Benji from Mission Impossible). But if you put some difficult on that, mapping faces, calculating euclidian distance through VisionApi algorithms and ask for nose rotation, you could ditch the possibility to be fooled (and money loss). This AWS Blog post explains in details how to Improving fraud prevention in financial institutions by building a liveness detection architecture.

source: AWS

*Want to move your encryption strategy over your AWS S3 buckets and objects? When you do it, you just change the new objects, but, what about the old ones? Imagine library with more than a million objects for example. What if a billion records needs to be changed? With this blog post, some creativity and using S3 Inventory, Athena and Batch, this can be done automatically.

graphycally is way better!

*AWS EBS Fast Snapshot restore is live and can help you ideally if you have a vault account with your golden images or disaster recovery sources. Take a look.

*Confused with CloudWatch Alarms? Want a graphic explanation? Andrew Brown created a cheatsheet and you can find below:

source: @andrewbrown Twitter profile

*Eric Schmidt (former Google CEO) wants to create an university to face MIT based on AI and new technology patterns.

*This week we were hit with GPT-3 new demonstrations of its power. If you don´t know what does it about, is an initiative that born in 2015 and has some interesting names such as Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. I find out that this article and this blog post could help you to understand what does it about.

150+ Concepts Heard in Data Engineering
Primary Sources: A Natural History of the Artist’s Palette
A journey to Airflow on Kubernetes
What, Why, When: Microservices

Well, that´s it for this week. If you support this digest please share. Thank you for your time.

Rolling Stones and Jimmy Page, ladies and gentlemen.

